Saturday 12 November 2016

Innisfree Wine Peeling Jelly Softener Review.

Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well.

In this week’s post, I will be reviewing the Innisfree Wine Peeling Jelly Softener.

The Innisfree Wine Peeling Jelly Softener retails for Rs.900 for 180ml.

The Innisfree Wine Peeling Jelly Softener comes in a plastic bottle that resembles a wine bottle. The product has a cap and a stopper which can be easily placed and removed. However the stopper is really tiny so it can be misplaced easily.

The product smells like red wine with a mild floral and citrus tinge.

The product contains wine extracts from France, green complex, different leaf extracts, seed extracts, root extracts and fruit extracts.

The product is a thick white liquid. The product must be applied after a cleanser and can be followed by a toner.The instructions on the bottle say that the product must be taken on a cotton pad and gently swiped around the face.However this does not work not well. I prefer taking a small amount of the product in my palms, dab it all over my face and neck and gently start rubbing it with my fingers. The sales lady at the store also used the same method. Within a minute, you can see your dead cells come out in form of gunk with the product.

The product works wonderfully as a gentle exfoliator.
It also helps tone the skin and cleans the pores while removing the dead cells.
The product keeps the skin hydrated and does not let it dry out. 

It works on all skin types.
There are no similar products in the Indian market.
It has a soothing smell.
One bottle will last you for quite a while.

It can not be used a substitute to a daily scrub or toner.
The application process could get a little messy.
It is slightly expensive.

My Verdict
All in all I feel this is a great product. Innisfree is an amazing brand and this is one of their best sellers for a reason. Even though it is a little expensive, you are getting quite a lot of product for your money. Also every application only requires very little product. Since it works for all skin types, multiple family members can share this product. I personally suggest that you add this product to your weekly skin pamper routine.

That is all for this post. Hope you found it useful in some way. We will be back with a new post next week. If you have any suggestions or questions, leave it down as a comment. For regular updates, follow our Facebook page
Photography Credits: Ananya Khatri.

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