Saturday 5 November 2016

How To Get A Free MAC Lipstick.

Hey guys! Hope you all had an amazing festive week. It has been 6 months since we started Compact Matters. We would like to thank each one of you who has ever taken out time from your schedule to read Compact Matters. It means the world to us.

In this week’s post, we will talk about the BACK TO M.A.C Program. If you are a MAC regular, you probably already know this but for those of you who don’t, continue reading.

As a part of their CSR policy, MAC has been involved in recycling and waste management. You can help them in their noble initiative and earn yourself a free MAC lipstick in 3 simples steps. These steps also include some personal tips I use.
 Step 1
Collect 6 empty MAC containers. These are the primary packaging containers or the metallic/plastic containers that contained the product.The cardboard boxes are not required. These containers can be of any MAC products. Lipsticks, blushes, eyeshadows pans. They even accept the mini lip glosses. These products can be a few years old and that is not a problem at all. So NEVER throw MAC containers away. If you are not going to purchase any more MAC products, give the containers to a friend.

Step 2
Go to MAC store and get swatching. What I love about this program is not only do you get to do something good environmentally, but also you get to choose the shade of the lipstick you want. I personally like to search for a few colours online before I go to the store. MAC has a lot of lipsticks that fall into the same colour family so take your time and choose your colour.MAC has a beautiful range of colours with a lot of different finishes. There is a perfect lipstick for everyone.

At a MAC store, you are allowed to swatch colours on your lip as they sanitize the lipsticks for you. However I feel it is not practical to swatch every colour you like on your lips. So shortlist 2-3 shades and then probably go for a lip swatch.

The Viva Glam Lipsticks and the MAC Retro Liquid Lipsticks are not included in the program since 100% of their retail selling price is provided to organizations that help people with HIV/AIDS.

Step 3
After you have selected your shade, you take your empty containers to the payment counter. The sales person will check every container and hand you your brand new MAC lipstick absolutely free of cost.

I picked a shade called Craving which is neutral pink.
Lip swatch of Craving.

Hand swatch of Craving.

That is how simple it is to get a free lipstick from MAC.
That is all for this post. I hoped this post helped you and you will probably get yourself a free MAC lipstick very soon.

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Photography Credits: Ananya Khatri.

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